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Flat bands with higher Chern number in pyrochlore slabs

von Maximilian Trescher, Emil J. Bergholtz




Phys. Rev. B 86, 241111(R)


A large number of recent works point to the emergence of intriguing analogs of fractional quantum Hall states in lattice models due to effective interactions in nearly flat bands with Chern number C=1. Here, we provide an intuitive and efficient construction of almost dispersionless bands with higher Chern numbers.


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Brief introduction of the dida co-author(s) and relevance for dida's ML developments.

About the Co-Author

After his studies in physics (FU Berlin, UPMC and ENS Paris), Max obtained his PhD in theoretical quantum and solid state physics (FU Berlin). His knowledge in scientific programming has been complemented by experience in software architecture and development through his work in the software industry. At dida he works as a Machine Learning Scientist at the interface of science and software development.