dida at hub.berlin conference 2023


Yesterday, we followed the invitation of Bitkom to speak at the hub.berlin conference about the topic of AI co-creation between startups and corporates.

In his presentation, David Berscheid spoke about three factors that, in our experience, are important for successful co-creation projects: Setting realistic scopes and expectations, the repeated integration of domain expertise, and a strong focus on cultural and communication aspects between the startup and the corporate.

The conference was a real success and focused mainly on the topics of tech and digitalisation.

We saw some great speeches such as the opening keynote from Tim Höttges (CEO of Deutsche Telekom) or 'How Generative AI Redefines Business Decision-Making' from Martin Heinig (Head of New Ventures & Technologies at SAP).

Perhaps most exciting for us as NLP specialists and daily users of pre-trained transformer models was listening and talking to Jonas Andrulis about Aleph Alpha and his plans to develop safe and explainable large language models for Europe.

Also, thanks to David Kregler for our moderation!